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Всего найдено 15 записей.

1. Ashbourne's Shrovetide Football / Футбол на масленицу в Ашборне
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,традиции великобритании,топик на английском масленица,english traditions,english holidays,shrovetide football,футбол на масленицу)
Ashbourne's Shrovetide Football / Футбол на масленицу в Ашборне Ashbourne is an attractive old market town situated at the southern end of the Peak District of Derbyshire. Normally Ashbourne is a peaceful ...
2. Shrovetide Football / Футбол на Масленицу
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,традиции великобритании,топик на английском масленица,english traditions,english holidays,shrovetide football,футбол на масленицу)
Shrovetide Football / Футбол на Масленицу Shrovetide football has been played in England since the 14th century. Rules are few and vary greatly from place to place. The goals may be as much as three miles ...
3. Great Pancake Grease / Жирный блин
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,традиции великобритании,топик на английском масленица,english traditions,english holidays,pancake day,pancake grease,жирный блин)
Great Pancake Grease / Жирный блин The custom known as the Great Pancake Grease is annually observed on Shrove Tuesday at Westminster School where schoolboys would fight for pancakes to gain monetary ...
4. Pancake Race / Бег с блинчиками
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,традиции великобритании,топик на английском масленица,english holidays | english traditions,pancake race,olney pancake race,бег с блинчиками)
Pancake Race / Бег с блинчиками One of the main events of Shrove Tuesday at Olney in Buckinghamshire is the pancake race. This race is said to have been first run there in 1445, and to have continued ...
5. Pancake Bell / Масленичный колокольный звон
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,традиции великобритании,топик на английском масленица,english traditions,english holidays,pancake bell)
Pancake Bell / Масленичный колокольный звон Ringing the Pancake Bell on Shrove Tuesday is an old and once widespread custom which still survives in a number of parishes. Originally, this bell had nothing ...
6. Student Rags
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,традиции великобритании,english traditions,university traditions in england,топик на английском student rags)
Student Rags Student rags is a well established practice associated particularly with older Universities of students mounting some sort of pageant and collecting money for charity. It is not known where ...
7. Pancake Day / Масленица. Вторник на масленой неделе
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,традиции великобритании,топик на английском масленица,english traditions,english holidays,pancake day)
Pancake Day / Масленица. Вторник на масленой неделе Pancake Day is the popular name for Shrove Tuesday, the day preceding the first day of Lent. In medieval times the day was characterized by merry-making ...
8. Hogmanay Celebrations
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,hogmanay celebrations,hogmanay,scotish new year,топик на английском новый год)
Hogmanay Celebrations Hogmanay is a Scottish name for New Year's Eve (31 December) and the celebrations that happen on that day. Known, as Scotland's biggest and noisiest event, Hogmanay is celebrated ...
9. The Night of Hogmanay
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,hogmanay,топик на английском новый год,new year,new year customs,традиции великобритании,new year in scotland,hogmanay celebration)
The Night of Hogmanay Nowhere else in Britain is the arrival of the New Year celebrated so wholeheartedly as in Scotland. Throughout Scotland, the preparations for greeting the New Year start with a minor ...
10. The Welsh (Валлийцы)
(Matching tags: the welsh,страноведение великобритании,country study,валлийцы)
The Welsh (Валлийцы) There is no other part of the British Isles where national spirit is stronger, national pride more intense or national traditions more cherished than in Wales. The Welsh still proudly ...
11. First Foot
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,топик на английском новый год,first foot,new year in england,new year,new year customs,традиции великобритании,первый гость в новом году)
First Foot The first visitor to enter a house on New Year's morning is commonly known in Great Britain as the  First Foot. In Yorkshire he is sometimes called the Lucky Bird, in the Isle of Man, the Quaaltagh. ...
12. The Cabinet
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,the cabinet,кабинет министров великобритании)
The Cabinet The Cabinet is a formal body composed of the most senior government ministers chosen by the Prime Minister. Most members are heads of government departments with the title "Secretary of State". ...
13. The Irish (Ирландцы)
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,irish,ирландцы,country study)
The Irish (Ирландцы) Before the Treaty of 1921 put a border between Northern and Southern Ireland, Ulster comprised nine counties and was one of the four ancient kingdoms of Ireland. That treaty cut ...
14. The Scots (Шотландцы)
(Matching tags: страноведение великобритании,country study,scots,шотландцы)
The Scots (Шотландцы) The Scots are not English. Nor are the Scots British. No self-respecting Englishman calls himself a Briton, neither does any self-respecting Scot. The words Britain, Briton and British ...
15. The English (Англичане)
(Matching tags: страноведение,the english,англичане,страноведение великобритании,country study)
The English (Англичане) Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. The French are supposed to be amorous, gay, fond 'of champagne; the Germans dull, formal, efficient, fond of military uniforms, ...

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