Образец перевода дипломаTHIS DIPLOMA IS A STATE DOCUMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION Registration number 1234 30 June 2006 RUSSIAN FEDERATION The city of Vladimir State Institution of Higher Vocational Education Vladimir State University DIPLOMA WITH HONOURS ВСА 1234567 By the decision of the State Qualification Committee of 31 June 2006 Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich IS QUALIFIED AS ECONOMIST-MANAGER in the speciality “Management” Chairman of the State Qualification Committee (signature) Rector (signature) Seal: Federal Education Agency State Institution of Higher Vocational Education Vladimir State University * OGRN (Main State Registration Number) 1234567891234 Russian Federation The city of Vladimir State Institution of Higher Vocational Education Vladimir State University SUPPLEMENT TO DIPLOMA No ВСА 1234567 Registration No: 3699 Date of issue: 30 June 2006 By the decision of the State Qualification Committee of 31 June 2006 Ivanov Ivan Nikolaevich is qualified as ECONOMIST-MANAGER in the speciality “Management” Rector (signature) Dean (signature) Secretary (signature) Seal: Federal Education Agency State institution of higher vocational education Vladimir State University * OGRN (Main State Registration Number) 1234567891234 Last name, first name, patronimic Ivanov Ivan Nikolaevich Date of birth 1 September1984 Previous education certificate General Certificate of Secondary Education received in 2001 Entrance examinations Passed 2001 - entered the Vladimir State University (full-time program) 2006 – graduated from the Vladimir State University (full-time program) Standard education period (full-time program) 5 years Speciality Management Term papers Income generation and distribution in the market relations, excellent Financing and operating activities accounting at the enterprise, excellent Enterprise organization design, excellent Economic feasibility of item production, excellent Marketing research at the enterprise, excellent Business plan at the enterprise, excellent Analysis of enterprise financial situation, excellent Arrangement of production line in machine workshop, excellent Improvement of cutting process, excellent Management accounting at the enterprise, excellent Optimization of product flows at the enterprise, excellent Financial planning at the enterprise, excellent Practical training Introductory training, 1 week, excellent Training in information science and information technologies as applied to economy, 3 weeks, excellent Manufacturing engineering training, 2 weeks, excellent Manufacturing economic training, 4 weeks, excellent Predegree training, 6 weeks, excellent Final state examinations Interdisciplinary examination in the speciality, excellent Defended graduate qualification work “Research of the state, trend and development prospects of the housing and public utilities”, 14 weeks, excellent This Diploma entitles to professional activity in accordance with the educational and qualification level Continued overleaf Note in margins: NOT VALID WITHOUT DIPLOMA Document consists of ___ sheets in total: Sheet 1 Within the education period the following tests, interim and final examinations were passed: Subject Total number of hours Final grade Foreign language 476 excellent Physical training 408 passed Russian history 102 excellent Political science 68 passed Jurisprudence 68 passed Psychology and pedagogy 68 passed Social science 68 passed Philosophy 138 excellent Mathematics 600 excellent Information science 200 excellent Physics 200 excellent Chemistry 150 passed Ecology 80 passed Information technologies in economy 120 excellent Economic theory 180 excellent Statistics 188 excellent Accounting 248 excellent Finances and credit 170 excellent Management 252 excellent Enterprise economics 175 excellent Marketing 200 excellent International economics 80 passed Investment appraisal 120 passed Planning at the enterprise 245 excellent Analysis and diagnostics of enterprise financing and operating activities 238 excellent Management activity documentation 80 passed Basics of vital activity security 120 excellent Science of religion 68 passed Economic history 66 passed Methods and models in economics 75 excellent Labour economics and sociology 150 excellent Enterprise taxation 150 excellent History of economic doctrines 102 passed Russian language and speech standards 68 passed Culturology 68 passed Municipal law 74 passed History and culture of Vladimir region 66 passed Software development tools for WEB-pages and presentations 75 passed Foreign-economic activity 150 passed Commercial law 150 passed Engineering economics 130 excellent Arrangement, standardization and remuneration of labour at the engineering enterprise 134 passed Continued on sheet 2 Note in margins: NOT VALID WITHOUT DIPLOMA Goznak Printing Plant, 1996 DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT (continued) No ВСА 12345678 Registration No: 1234 Within the education period the following tests, interim and final examinations were passed: Subject Total hours Final grade Industrial engineering at the engineering enterprise 192 excellent Quality management 80 passed Real estate economics 30 passed Entrepreneurial activity arrangement 124 passed Engineering graphics 20 excellent Materials science 137 excellent Basis of design 20 excellent Machinery and equipment 140 passed Engineering technology 357 excellent Evaluation methods for engineering level 108 passed Engineering service 92 passed Innovation project management 100 excellent Cost management 138 excellent Logistics 20 excellent Strategic management 120 excellent Project management 160 excellent Basis of audit 120 excellent Human resource management 20 passed Financial management 160 excellent Banking accommodation for enterprise 129 passed Exchange trade arrangement 129 passed Psychology of management 70 passed Regional economics 70 passed Information technologies in enterprise management 80 passed Total including auditorium On 29 November 2001 as per the resolution of the general meeting (conference) of researching teachers as well as representatives of other professions and students the Vladimir State University was renamed in the State Institution of Higher Vocational Education “Vladimir State University” End of document Note in margins: NOT VALID WITHOUT DIPLOMA Goznak Printing Plant, 1996 Sheet 2
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